Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMFs) applied in magnetotherapy have frequency lower than 100 Hz and magneticfieldintensity ranging from 0.1 to 20 mT.
Uso de magnetic field strength em inglês
Results: A MR phantom experiment showed that k-space anisotropy increased as a function of magneticfieldstrength.
In addition, the demagnetizing field effect from protonated solvents gains significance with the increase of the magneticfieldstrength.
The coupling doubling, however, is independent of the magneticfieldstrength and a signature feature of the 2Q coherence.
The dependency of MHD signals on magneticfieldstrength and electrode separation was well reflected by an analytical model.
The measured frequencies scale with the magneticfieldstrength and electron density as expected from the whistler dispersion relation.
The frequency doubling is equivalent to the corresponding single quantum (1Q) coherence at double the magneticfieldstrength.
The objective of this article is to illustrate the practical scientific applications, focusing on MR imaging, of higher magneticfieldstrength.
This story was updated to correct the units used in the last figure; magneticfieldstrength is depicted in tens of nanoTesla.
Functional tissue T1p is highly dependent on the magneticfieldstrength and experimental parameters such as the power of the spin-locking pulse.
Multiple subgroup analyses and meta-regression suggested these two scoring systems had comparable diagnostic performance on magneticfieldstrength, zonal anatomy, and outcome assessment.
Recently there has been a renewed interest for brain sodium magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), thanks to higher magneticfieldstrength scanners.
Optically and mechanically correct tissue phantoms elucidate the relationships between imaging contrast and nanoparticle concentration, imaging depth, tissue optical scattering, and magneticfieldstrength.
Water proton spin-lattice relaxation is studied in dilute solutions of bovine serum albumin as a function of magneticfieldstrength, oxygen concentration, and solvent deuteration.
Two different reed switch behaviors were observed at different magneticfieldstrengths.
Parallel imaging techniques to reduce acquisition times require coil arrays, which are technically challenging to design at ultrahigh magneticfieldstrengths.
This methodology has implications for comparing functional sensitivity at different magneticfieldstrengths and between brain regions with different magnetic field inhomogeneities.