Ainda não temos significados para "make beforehand".
1This agreement made beforehand assumes a normal birth, a strong, well-made, healthy child.
2Proper arrangements for quartering them until they could get settled were always made beforehand.
3There must have been made beforehand vast and elaborate preparations, ramifying through the whole nation.
4If she passes the evening with a friend, provision should be made beforehand for an escort.
5Arrangements had been made beforehand, of course.
6Great preparations were made beforehand by Mrs.
7But his room-mate, foreseeing the consequences of detection, had made beforehand every preparation for leaving and was now gone.
8But preparation was generally made beforehand, and some pundit of the office would be at hand to do the honours.
9It has the power, and the only check upon the abuse of that power must be by a treaty, made beforehand.
10Nay, it is necessary so that all your arrangements can be made beforehand, and everything be decently done and in order.
11He too is acquitted, and he tells us frankly that a private arrangement had been made beforehand with the presiding judge.
12"It was made beforehand, was it?" said I, when I saw her coming in.
13But how could he forget Don Luis's arguments and the accusation made beforehand against the person who would arrive at the meeting?
14There is a great similarity in all these tombstones; no doubt they were made beforehand, as they seldom suggest the idea of a portrait.
15O'Hara's goal came at the end of a flowing move that made light of the critical comments the NEC coach, Mario Been, had made beforehand.
16This is also, and in an eminent degree, an unknown factor in the case, on which not even a reasonable guess can be made beforehand.