Ainda não temos significados para "make in heaven".
1What difference can one angel more make in heaven?
2In a prepared statement, Salon's founder described a match made in heaven.
3Still, the marriage might not be made in heaven, especially for Fiat.
4A startling combination by Balkan standards and one surely made in heaven.
5Our Union was made in heaven, and therefore needs no earthly confirmation.
6Happy marriages, men say, are made in heaven, and I believe it.
7She was made in heaven, every god contributing something to perfect her.
8Jokes aside, their seven-year marriage has been a match made in heaven.
9Don't you feel how lovely this marriage night is, made in heaven?
10Staff want to ensure every match is one made in heaven.
11At NBC these days, that qualifies as a programing match made in heaven.
12Now there, he thought with a chuckle, was a match made in heaven.
13Dark chocolate and red wine are a match made in heaven.
14As an African-American woman, it was made in heaven, she said.
15We would have thought this was a match made in heaven!
16These voices and those songs are a match made in heaven.