House of worship in Hinduism.
1The word mandir derives from the Sanskrit mandira, meaning a dwelling place.
2Hindus have small shrines in their homes that are a form of mandir.
3Holy areas It is not difficult to spot the holiest shrines in a mandir.
4Burials and monuments There are no memorials or places of burial in a mandir.
5During worship in front of the mandir's murti, women tend to sit behind the men.
6Worshippers enter the Neasden mandir through a large entrance hall where they must leave their shoes.
7A mandir is a home to God as represented by the deity singled out for honour within the building's inner sanctum.
8Inside the mandir The focal point of a mandir is the inner sanctum, which is aligned with the highest of the spires.
9The council acknowledged the mandir's position as a "international landmark" in Brent, as well as its contribution to the borough.
10Traditionally, mandirs are built with water to the left or in front.
11In this country the first mandirs were set up in halls and houses.
12Mandirs often contain additional shrines to other Hindu gods.
13Possibly it was not the Sukh Mandir.
14In 1950, the caste system officially ended in India and for the first time many mandirs became open for all.
16That said, many mandirs are tiny roadside shrines, in keeping with a religion that is meant to be an everyday part of human existence.