A small dumpling filled with seasoned ground meat popular in Turkish cuisine.
1Not a bit set up with yon fine manty-maker's shop she's in.
2The incoming Manty strike was a confusing mass of red light dots.
3The other end of the wormhole doesn't come out in Manty space.
4But at heart, Zilwicki's still a Manty and Cachat's still a Havenite.
5Still, Hancock was the only Manty repair facility in this sector.
6Then the Manty LACs disappeared back into the invisibility of their stealth systems.
7I think, Admiral, we may have found our camouflaged Manty base.
8Tough, competent, resourceful, and the damn Manty could read minds, too.
9Particularly not when doing that would ease the Manties' problems.
10But there's a better way, one that doesn't rely on Manty carelessness or gullibility.
11Admiral Chin's frown deepened as the Manty task group unraveled.
12Maybe Intelligence or the Manties can get more from an analysis than we can.
13If I didn't know better, I would swear I was on a Manty ship.
14But that wreckage was going to have a lot of Manty company, he thought grimly.
15In addition, some of her light units have joined the Manty picket still in Minette.
16Not a Manty in the middle of Peep territory.