Ainda não temos significados para "many curses".
1It has so many curses in it just like a human curse-maker.
2My mind misgave me, for Calderon's name is blackened by many curses.
3I saw them march away, silently, grimly, bravely, without many curses.
4But today the bus passed, and there were many curses.
5He has many curses at his disposal, and is very fond of various poisons.
6In this way there has been much heartburning, and many curses against officialdom and red-tape.
7One of the many curses of our life out here is the want of atmosphere in the painter's sense.
8They held a short consultation, and Campo, with many curses, declared that Cosmo Versál must be caught at all hazards.
9Considering what's going on with Merlin and this Gatekeeper thing, I'm glad to learn as many curses and hexes as I can.
10Then he hurled the "Secret Doctrine" and many curses across the room, turned off the gas, and composed himself to sleep.
11They said he threw so many curses that if those bad words had been bricks, they'd have made a three-bedroom house with a two-car garage.
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