Ainda não temos significados para "many proverbs".
1The proverb is a false one-asmany proverbs are.
2There are many proverbs associated with the oak.
3Primary education, however, they intrusted to parents, and in many proverbs emphasized the responsibility which every parent owed to his child.
4Many proverbs have been written about worry, which it may be well to recall.
5Many proverbs, such as "People who live in glass houses should not throw stones," are condensed allegories.
6Many proverbs are condensed arguments from analogy, their strength depending upon the similarity between the known case and the case in hand.
7Many proverbs have remained in the English language, not so much for the wisdom they contain as for the way in which they express it.
8"But as many proverbs and sayings are as true of you as of us," said Bjerregrav, desperately blinking.
9'The Preacher' knew it for such some considerable time ago, and yet he did not fear to 'write and set in order many proverbs.'
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