He told her that he was making films and a marionettetheatre.
See how bright and attractive the marionettetheatre looks in the sunshine, under its striped covering.
Johann, on his knees behind the marionettetheatre, pulled the strings that controlled Siegfried's right arm.
Mothers would take their children to see people guillotined as to-day they take them to the marionettetheatre.
This time he brought a foreign penny and wanted to know why they had refused to take it at the marionettetheatre.
Osaka and Kyoto have disguised themselves as travelling players, gathered together some geishas and musicians, and now set up a marionettetheatre.
I have seen convalescent Senegalais and Algerians in Paris spend hours in the Champs Elysees watching the entertainment at the open-air marionettetheatre.
I should have recognised it even if the pictures had not had titles, because I had recently seen it in a marionettetheatre.
He has made for his marionettetheatre, marvelous scenery, properties, and machinery and the plays which they give in that ravishing box are incredibly fantastic.
But when you watch some of these local marionettetheatres the illusion is complete.