Form of figurative art that portrays or draws its main inspiration from the sea.
Examples for "marine"
Examples for "marine"
1Its role is to advise on water safety awareness, including marine safety.
2Local media reported the surfers left the area once marine authorities arrived.
3Gardai said marine rescue services located the man's body in the sea.
4These marine reserves increase population sizes and reproduction rates of exploited species.
5On Monday morning, SAWS said the marine community should take extreme caution.
1They are set like jewels in the glittering waters of the seascape.
2The award, named after the 19th-century English landscape and seascape painter J.M.W.
3They portray the harsh winter cold seascape, threatening sea swells and bitter storms.
4Surely Hägg, the seascape specialist, had been able to depict waves?
5Through sliding glass doors is my own private balcony and a seascape beyond.
1There is leather furniture, a collection of maritime art on the walls.
Translations for maritime art