(Used colloquially) having the relationship of friends or pals.
1What's a cock-eyed man want with a gun in his hand, eh, mateys?
2Well, we are and we en't, eh, mateys?
3I asked of a bystander who these people were, and he told me that they were dockyard mateys.
4We'll load up all ready, mateys.
5Ay, mateys, 'twas a horrible moment!
6Goin' to sea's bad enough, but the Waterman's Rest and holdin' on the slack here's worse, eh, mateys?
8Explain to the gen'lman, mateys.
10Mateys, if you think this language too poetical, I'll translate my thought into fok'sle speech.
11And enjoy Talk Like a Pirate Day, Mateys!
12"Well, mateys, did you think you'd walk out to the yacht?"
13"Would you mind me lookin' at passes, mateys?"
14"Good morning, mateys!" the waitress said.
15When that hadn't worked, Peyton Palmer had to walk the plank, matey.
16Lower your sails, matey, for I be Poseidon, he whom you seek.