Method trueness and measurementuncertainty resulted comparable, while the precision of ion chromatography approach was higher.
Determination of a cut-off was done by using Bhattacharya statistics and by adding a measurementuncertainty interval.
Discussion: Operator subjectivity can be quantified to include within measurementuncertainty budgets, required for various standards and qualifications.
Measured values were intercompared with published sets of computed kQ values and agreement was found to be within measurementuncertainty (1%, one standard deviation).
The range measurementuncertainty for doses less than 1 cGy was found to be ±0.355mm, indicating high precision for low dose detection.
There was no measurable dose dependence for k bq within the 500-7002 mGy range outside of the expanded measurementuncertainty of 3.65% (k = 2).