Reserved area that separates opposing lanes of traffic on divided roadways.
Examples for "median"
Examples for "median"
1The median age is just over 30, lower than anywhere in Europe.
2Results: Thirty-nine patients, with a median age of 58 years, were enrolled.
3Results: Twelve patients with a median age of 54 years were enrolled.
4Results: The median survival time of patients receiving PC was 19 months.
5Results: The median follow-up time of all eligible patients was 58 months.
1A minute ago, we passed a stand of blithe in the median strip-
2I watch two grandmothers hobble along the median strip, holding hands.
3Then I got a stitch and collapsed on a median strip.
4At each aftershock, they sprinted from the lobby to the median strip of Wilshire Boulevard.
5Cars were streaming by on the other side of the median strip, heading towards their various destinations.
1MICROS supplies information systems such as central reservation for the hospitality industry.
2The lorry was blown over onto the central reservation on the M6 motorway in Cumbria.
3Her car smashed into the central reservation before coming to a halt on the hard shoulder.
4Three people have been injured on the M25 after a lorry crashed through the central reservation.
5A car collided with the central reservation on the M50 on Thursday morning, causing major traffic delays.
1I'll come to the resort if you think neutral ground is better.
2It is impossible for us to meet on neutral ground, I fear.
3No, the batteries commanding the neutral ground lie over that crest, Bob.
4When we are forced to meet, we will meet on neutral ground.
5Mr. Gwynn was not in politics; his dinner table would be neutral ground.
Translations for median divider island