Ainda não temos significados para "mediate by".
1The effect of atRA is possibly mediated by lowering the TGF-beta1 level.
2Bone marrow-derived macrophages were also used to study changes mediated by hyperglycemia.
3Additionally, the main nitrogen cycling process mediated by microorganisms were retrospectively examined.
4This was likely mediated by transcellular water channels, but not by aquaporin-1.
5The way they interact is influenced and mediated by the available tools.
6This relationship was partially mediated by level of perceived stress at baseline.
7And this antidepressant-like effect may be mediated by 5-hydroxytryptamine and glutamate systems.
8In the multivariate analysis, the independent aggravating effect mediated by pregnancy persisted.
9Uncontrolled cell proliferation is mediated by a number of core signaling pathways.
10The VEGF gene transcription may be mediated by different ER subtypes directly.
11Some of these changes are likely mediated by the transcription factor, HIF-1.
12These associations were not mediated by neighborhood poverty or negative income incongruity.
13ADCC was not prevented by inhibitory effects mediated by HLA class I.
14This action is mediated by an intrinsic caspase-dependent apoptotic event involving mitochondria.
15Moreover, they identify a strictly inducible interaction mediated by an SH3 domain.
16Pharmacological data indicated that both types of PSPs are mediated by glutamate.