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Significados de meet capital em inglês
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Uso de meet capital em inglês
AIFM requires funds to register and report data as well as meetcapital rules.
Pension and insurance funds are compelled to hold more bonds to meetcapital adequacy rules.
However, Europe's banks are facing mounting pressure to shrink their balance sheets to meetcapital adequacy rules.
The firms now come under regulation by the Federal Reserve and must meetcapital and other requirements.
The firm now comes under regulation by the Federal Reserve and must meetcapital and other requirements.
Aurora has struggled to meetcapital requirements as regulators have limited its ability to offer new certificates of deposit.
Those companies are regulated by the Fed, and must meetcapital requirements comparable to those for big U.S. banks.
The bank has struggled to meetcapital requirements as regulators have limited its ability to offer new certificates of deposit.
However, the Dodd-Frank financial reform law requires that the whole bank holding company, not just the banking unit, meetcapital rules.
Previously, overseas investors could hold property projects in offshore vehicles; now they must set up domestic companies that meetcapital requirements.
Britain's Prudential PRU.L followed suit, disposing of its Taiwan operation to Taipei-based China Life 2823.TW last month to meetcapital needs at home.
Basel III and Solvency II introduce stricter capital requirements, while AIFM requires funds to register and report data as well as meetcapital rules.
The more hybrid debt that lenders can use to meetcapital requirements, the less common equity they need and the healthier their current buffers appear.
The move could reshape Indonesia's Islamic insurance, or takaful, market by spurring mergers as firms try to meetcapital requirements for their full-fledged Islamic units.
Mortgage insurers in the United States have been struggling to meetcapital adequacy benchmarks and have sought waivers to continue writing business in many states.
A change in accounting rules could force them to take losses, potentially affect their ability to meetcapital requirements or cause additional volatility in earnings.