Large whalebone whale with long flippers noted for arching or humping its back as it dives.
Examples for "humpback"
Examples for "humpback"
1But at other times, the humpback whales decided to stay and fight.
2A humpback whale, when it does this incredible spiraling in the water.
3In August you can also see humpback whales on their annual migration.
4The Consortium's next assessment on humpback whale numbers will be in 2016.
5In August, coronavirus permitting, he will swim with humpback whales off Tonga.
1A humpback whale, when it does this incredible spiraling in the water.
2The Consortium's next assessment on humpback whale numbers will be in 2016.
3On 14 occasions, the orcas attacked and killed a humpback whale calf.
4A humpback whale rescued from entanglement in fishing gear off of Cape Point.
5Hope continues to fade for a stranded humpback whale near Dargaville.
Translations for megaptera novaeangliae