Ainda não temos significados para "mere inadvertence".
1Perhaps it was through mere inadvertence that the other six did not accompany it.
2This omission cannot have been the effect of mere inadvertence.
3The words, "twenty-fifth of March," had not slipped into the Act by mere inadvertence.
4It was therefore a mere inadvertence in me, and an untrained habit of thinking aloud, which made me say:
5In this passage James speaks, by mere inadvertence, as though the phenomena which he is describing as "mental" had NO effects.
6"But it is to set something right, which out of mere inadvertence, with no ill meaning,"-No ,no(she repeated to herself), no ill-meaning-none
7"I intended to help the cause of those poor sufferers, and to profit by the mere inadvertence of your toy there would be unspeakable-reallyno!"
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