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Significados de merely animal em inglês
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Uso de merely animal em inglês
The merelyanimal sodomy which exists in many public schools was unknown.
By going down I mean descending to the level of merelyanimal realism.
But to the Japanese, woman must be merelyanimal.
Among primitive men eating and drinking were merelyanimal.
And that is why I can triumph over your error and your merelyanimal intelligence, Frederic Larsan.
We grow up at random carrying into mature life the merelyanimal methods and motives which we had as little children.
In the process of evolution, starting from the merelyanimal appetite of sexuality, we arrive at the purest and most far-reaching tenderness.
The cultivated state is that where humanity has ceased to be merelyanimal, and considers the consequences first and the cravings afterwards.
But, greatly perverted as his nature had been, food and clothing, the maintenance of a merelyanimal life, could no longer satisfy him.
A dog's goodness ("good doggie"), if carried over into a man, would not be goodness but imperfection, regression to merelyanimal instinct.
You have slipped down into a merelyanimal stratum of existence; you live to-day because you lived yesterday, and you do not forecast to-morrow.
They carried erect shoulders, like creatures not ashamed of showing a merelyanimal pride, which is never quite apart from the pride of developed beauty.
The men and women appear to be merelyanimals gifted with speech.
After all, we are not so much above the animals, and in our lapses we often become merelyanimals.