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Significados de mexican debt em inglês
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Uso de mexican debt em inglês
Mexicandebt has traded in a relatively tight range to U.S. benchmarks.
Political deadlock on reform led Wall Street rating agencies to downgrade Mexicandebt in late 2009.
If foreign investors begin to buy into Mexicandebt, it could help limit the peso's slide.
Hasenstab said he has invested in Mexicandebt with a maturity of less than two years.
Manager Luc D'hooge said he had taken advantage of cheap valuations in Argentine and Mexicandebt.
The ceiling is not legally binding and does not mean Mexicandebt will necessarily reach that level.
That gives Banxico plenty of room to reduce the rate without diminishing the appeal of Mexicandebt, analysts say.
Mexicandebt instruments were the most frequently traded last year in local markets at $500 billion, EMTA said.
My old creditors (principally the holders of the Mexicandebts) came upon me last winter with vindictive fury.
The request was designed to restrict the units' capacity to make transactions outside the United States or take part in Vitro's Mexicandebt restructuring.
Bonds have also been supported by news that Mexicandebt will be included later this year in a major global bond index run by Citigroup.
That remains well above the $86,000 per year investors pay to insure their Mexicandebt, according to data monitor Markit.
But 12 of 14 fund managers who hold Mexicandebt said they thought a Clinton victory had not been totally priced in.
Mexicandebt instruments were the most traded last year overall with $826 billion, or 16.9 percent of all volume, EMTA said.