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Significados de military driver em inglês
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Uso de military driver em inglês
Then there was combat lifesaver recertification, militarydriver's license testing, drownproofing, MILES 2000 certification, observer-controller certification testing, and so on.
As there was some doubt about the propriety of my taking a Belgian militarydriver into the German lines I drove the car myself.
Two sedans with Serb militarydrivers awaited us at the Belgrade International Airport.
"I figured, with the militarydriver." He looked pleased, and he was.
Staff officers, certain Government officials, and members of the diplomatic and consular corps were provided by the Government with automobiles and militarydrivers.
Briskly he walked from the shed out into the courtyard beneath the eyes of the sentries, the officers, the soldiers, and the militarydrivers.
"So, Tony," she said, trying to get to know her partner in espionage, "what did you do before you became a militarydriver?"