Ainda não temos significados para "military sniper".
1Now a sniper shoots Windslow with a Russian military sniper rifle.
2The way he'd twitched up when asked about a military sniper made Nick nervous.
3A French military sniper readies his rifle in Bangui December 8, 2013.
4Colben held a Colt .30 caliber military sniper's rifle cradled in a special mount in the open window.
5A military sniper works at distances where the target has time to walk three paces between the shot and the impact.
6It was especially impressive since he carried a huge rifle, a military sniper weapon with a telescopic sight and a laser attachment.
7I reached a row of military Snipers now, crawling my way forward through history's bloody centuries: hoplite, centurion, knight, samurai.
8A web-savvy generation could, with a few mouse-clicks, watch videos on Youtube showing military snipers firing on civilians, eroding his credibility.
9"So, you're working the angle that it's a military sniper or a law enforcement sniper?"
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