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Significados de missionary establishment em inglês
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Uso de missionary establishment em inglês
For two days they continued their course in nearly a straight line for the missionaryestablishment.
Near this was a church missionaryestablishment; and at this Englishman's house we determined we would spend the day.
There were several other passengers on board, who were proceeding to New Zealand to form a Wesleyan missionaryestablishment at Hokianga.
I had lately brought some things to the utmost perfection of which they seemed capable, and contemplated the missionaryestablishment with perhaps too much self-congratulation.
So abundant, indeed, are all provisions, and so prolific the soil, that a missionaryestablishment, however large, could support itself after the first year's crop.
All the fruits and plants hitherto introduced by the missionaryestablishments have succeeded wonderfully.
Missionaryestablishments were here, schools, churches, fields, implements, example and its blessings, all without effect.
The Commandeur de Sillery extended his munificence to several other missionaryestablishments in Canada and other places.
From this place a dray-road leads to the extensive Missionaryestablishment at Waimate, distant about ten miles.
In other parts of the territory, separate missionaryestablishments were superintended by the Whitmans, the Spauldings, and others.
28.-At4 P.M., anchored within three miles of the missionaryestablishment.
He had been educated at one of the missionaryestablishments, afterwards abandoned; but the seed had not fallen on stony ground.
One, which grows close to Cotta, at the Church Missionaryestablishment within a few miles of Colombo, affords a remarkable illustration of this peculiarity.