Mr Sharp has told Vanuatu media that Mr Sturtevant had misusedcompany funds.
WPP's board is also looking into whether Mr Sorrell misusedcompany assets, the Journal said, citing unnamed sources.
American Apparel suspended Charney on June 18, alleging he misusedcompany funds and helped spread nude photos of an ex-employee.
Reuters reported in June that the SEC is investigating allegations that Liveris may have misusedcompany funds for personal benefit.
Charney was fired in 2014 for allegedly misusingcompany funds and failing to stop a subordinate from defaming former employees.
Reuters reported in June that the SEC is investigating allegations that CEO Liveris may have misusedcompany funds for personal benefit.
In December 2014, he was fired for allegedly misusingcompany funds and failing to stop a subordinate from defaming former employees.
American Apparel suspended Charney six months earlier for allegedly misusingcompany funds and helping spread nude photos of a former employee on the Internet.
Nissan said on Monday that an internal investigation launched after a tipoff by a whistleblower had also revealed that Ghosn allegedly misusedcompany money.