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Significados de misuse word em inglês
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Uso de misuse word em inglês
Neither in joy nor sorrow did Jane's talent desert her for misusingwords.
Oh how much recent human folly has been committed in connection with that misusedword!
And then, do we not misusewords?
Misusedwords also annoy Evans.
They distorted the meanings of epithets which they applied to nations, parties and individuals without the slightest realization that to misusewords produces confusion.
I'm not dismissing your entire argument on the basis of one misusedword-butit's also much easier to correct on a website than in print.
Evans takes aim in his book at monologophobia (the fear of using the same word twice in sentence) pleonasms (unnecessary words) and misusingwords.
From Hackney to Handsworth, it was impossible to avoid the sense that this was an expression of that much misusedword "community" in action.