They and their Syrian neighbours but dogmatic opponents, the Jacobites, a monophysite body, adopted a conciliatory disposition towards the crusaders.
The Monophysite controversy led to the founding of the Jacobite sect.
Monophysite riot at Constantinople, caused by the controversy respecting the nature of Christ.
With the Nestorian and Monophysite heresies new divisions took place.
Mennas, the successor of Anthimus, in his local synod, had condemned and deposed the Monophysite bishops.
There are citations from the works of the Areopagite fifteen or twenty years earlier in the works of Severus, the Monophysite patriarch of Antioch.
In Egypt the Coptic (Monophysite) patriarch entered Alexandria in triumph with the Muslim force when the Orthodox patriarch fled with the imperial troops.
The idea shoots across his mind that the English Church is in the position of the Monophysite heretics of the fifth century (p. 209).