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Significados de monthly temperature em inglês
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Uso de monthly temperature em inglês
The data estimated the mean monthlytemperature in one-degree grids for the seas across the planet starting in 1970.
Since then, for each spot that saw a near-record low monthlytemperature, 12 locations saw near-record high monthly temperatures, he said.
They compared these granular regions not with each other, but with themselves-sothe average monthlytemperature in Palo Alto in July 2009 versus July 2010.
Monthlytemperatures bounce around a bit -especially when weather events like El Nino are in play.
Contact local golf clubs and associations for advice, and see average monthlytemperatures on weather sites like Weather Underground.
The underlying vital rates, survival and recruitment, were influenced by the additive and interactive effects of phase, vole density, and mean monthlytemperatures.
Facebook Twitter Pinterest Monthlytemperature anomalies compared with the 1980-2015 mean, according to Nasa's GISTEMP data set from 1880 until June 2017.