Device used for smoking tobacco, cannabis, or other herbal drugs.
Examples for "billy"
Examples for "billy"
1Twice Born Men by Sweet Billy Pilgrim: Best tunes of the year.
2Billy sank his voice, as one who discusses great secrets of State.
3Pressing the point, Billy said, But you still haven't told me why?
4You and Billy get your crime scene kits and work this scene.
5Billy Ederle will soon be movin' on up, and good for him.
1These assets are bing rounded up in Bloemfontein, Johannesburg and In KwaZulu-Natal.
2But the tanner did not seem to mind it at all, for bing!
3That means Bing will be the new Yahoo search early next year.
4Bing travel, shopping and local services have also done well, he said.
5Bing has said he expects to deliver a plan in early February.
1Oh college-thosehalcyon days of young love, bong hits, and communicable diseases.
2Following the fourth bong, Aunt Klara's alto bellowed up through the floorboards.
3I had seen one too many carpet-stained, bong-infested, toilet paper-less male habitats.
4How much do you need to keep your stale water in your bong?
5Christy went downstairs at one point, and returned with her bong and weed.
1So the scheme of climbing up the water pipe came to nothing.
2There was a water pipe against the wall just outside my window.
3He laughed, while Xayide drew smoke from her water pipe and smiled.
4Significance: In recent years a water pipe gains popularity among Polish young people.
5A burst water pipe left Waihi without water yesterday for a short period.
1Some moof-milker installed a compressor on the ignition line!
2Get a moof on you, somepody.