Ainda não temos significados para "more decrepit".
1From this angle it looks even more decrepit than from the road.
2And as we had driven in it, it had grown progressively more decrepit.
3The stoat came from a tree which was even more decrepit than the chestnut.
4The farther they rode, the more decrepit the land became.
5One was not more decrepit than the other.
6After three years, the grandmother was even more decrepit, and the two little sisters were getting on my nerves.
7In Oliver's case the spinal pain and disorganization increased, the blindness also; Lady Lucy became steadily feebler and more decrepit.
8Peanuts had a Picture of Dorian Gray quality; you kept getting older and more decrepit and more cynical, but it didn't.
9Near-by a wardrobe, equally remote if more decrepit, leaned against the wall to maintain the balance jeopardized by a missing foot.
10And it soon died in a look of depression that made him seem even older and more decrepit than was his wont.
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