Looking forward, Cossman is also eager to use drones in a moreexploratory sense.
Sleep-deprived rats exhibited moreexploratory behaviors in an open-field anxiety test; however, this effect was significantly reduced in MSZRD-treated animals.
They've flirted with soundtrack work more and more in recent years, which has resulted in moreexploratory song structures and textures.
Because each sub-study tested only a subset of the 24 school buses, the results should be seen as moreexploratory than definitive.
She took a few moreexploratory steps, her confidence rising as she started to get the hang of moving around on four legs.
The altogether moreexploratory Quartets 1 and 3 of Nikolai Roslavets (1881-1944) grip more firmly in this musically fascinating, well-played, but poorly-documented collection.