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Significados de more ingenuity em inglês
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Uso de more ingenuity em inglês
I wish Mrs. Lippett would use a little moreingenuity about choosing babies' names.
With a little moreingenuity it is possible to begin to add or substitute material in Perseus.
The way we see it, both Twitter and Square need a whole lot of love-andeven moreingenuity.
The second period at least produced moreingenuity than the first, a matter due in no small part to United loosening their earlier inhibitions.
The more elastic and variable your prices, the moreingenuity required to keep these cut prices from getting into the hands of your customers.
This requires moreingenuity than you might think-wireshave never been perfectly transparent carriers of data; they have always degraded the information put into them.
9 Not, as has been said with moreingenuity than verity, from Rosh Shibte Iehudah, chief of the tribes of Judah.