Someone who climbs mountains.
Examples for "mountaineer"
Examples for "mountaineer"
1The mountaineer gave the peculiar whistle he had uttered at the Ford.
2The bushes will still hide us, whispered the mountaineer to the boy.
3The shot went home and the mountaineer glared helpless for an answer.
4The news was a surprise and a great pleasure to the mountaineer.
5At the mention of relinquishment the old mountaineer shied like a colt.
1A mountain climber and a swimmer died in separate incidents over the weekend.
2However, the blanket had served to break the fall of the unfortunate mountain climber.
3After twenty years or so writer, a mountain climber, decides to take up skiing.
4John Muir, the famous mountain climber, selected this spot as a camp in 1888.
5A great mountain climber you are, sleeping here all day.
6The husband was a famous English mountain climber by the name a Robert Adcock.
7Andrew Burr To be a good climber, or good mountain climber, you need two qualities.
8Among his special skills Beckwith listed himself as a mountain climber, boxer, yogi and motorcyclist.
9To crawl up one flight of that stairway you have to be a mountain climber.
10Isn't this the candy make-up for the simple life-surveyor ,hardyprospector, mountain climber, sturdy pedestrian?
11The staff was as useful to them as the alpenstock to the mountain climber in Switzerland.
12The branches make the soft, fragrant beds which so rest and delight the tired mountain climber.
13I was a football player, a mountain climber.
14Tom was a seasoned mountain climber, born on the crags, and had knees like a goat.
15The search for a Swedish mountain climber, missing for six days in Co Kerry, resumed this morning.
16The equipment hanging from both reminded her of what a mountain climber might carry, and then some.
Translations for mountain climber