Meat from a mature domestic sheep.
1Ant the Blat de chour is a Navarin de mouton.
2So-So the gray fur is mouton.
3Aye but, sir soldier, I am not a wolf; and thou knowest, a bien petite occasion se saisit le loup du mouton.
4On mouton, porke and beefe;
5Her sweet mouth was "watering," and when she came to un gigot de mouton, she cried, "What a sweet aunt she is!
6Billosaur, a piggy bank for the upwardly mobile from Le Mouton Noir.
7These are mythical Bordeaux wines such as Chateau Margaux and Chateau Mouton-Rothschild.
8After a short but spirited engagement Mouton's force was compelled to retreat.
9It was for this that Green and Mouton and other gallant spirits fell!
10The sorceress did not flee through the Rue de Mouton.
11Walker retreated on Natchitoches, accompanied by Gray's brigade of Mouton's division from the Huffpower.
12Cash money Cash money Photos via Le Mouton Noir
13Above all, the death of gallant Mouton affected me.
14Mais revenons a nos moutons: How about the portrait?
15De Monts' position at Port Mouton was indeed difficult.
16As Green's men came in from the front, they took position, dismounted, on Mouton's left.