Ainda não temos significados para "mugging for".
1But it was our first time mugging for the camera, as well.
2They darted across the thoroughfare, trading clothes and gossip, mugging for their botflies.
3He leaned against her, mugging for the fellow with the camera.
4In swimsuits, they stood beside an inflatable wading pool, mugging for the camera.
5But say you don't want to bother with all this jumping about and mugging for the camera.
6McCarter starts snapping two fingers, mugging for Brown and Harris, who is standing at the driver's window.
7I looked at their wedding picture, and at some vacation abroad, with the girl mugging for the camera.
8Not true sims, Anne soon realized, but old-style hologram loops, preschool Bennys mugging for the camera and waving endlessly.
9Within in an instant, he was beaming broadly, returning her hug and mugging for photos with the crowd like a Hollywood veteran.
10He said he'd received other photos-picturestaken during the years he's been gone-whereshe's older, mugging for the camera, or jaunty, hands on hips.
11Vogel said there's been very little mugging for the camera and that the students, after an initial curiosity, just accepted the cameras as normal.
12Even when photographers would yell "Pamela" at me, I'd play along, mugging for photos and letting them think they had Pamela Anderson.
13In front of them, down on one knee and mugging for the camera, was a faux Elvis, complete with shades and sequined white satin jumpsuit.
14"He's more like a mugging for cash, which also fits with an addict."
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