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Significados de mutual building em inglês
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Uso de mutual building em inglês
Britannia is the second largest mutualbuilding society in the UK.
The century-old Jamaica National Group had its origins as a mutualbuilding society.
Wishful thinking, maybe, for some in the market but First National is still a mutualbuilding society.
THE mortgage war between British mutualbuilding societies and rival shareholder banks and building societies is intensifying.
More than 100 years ago, groups of like-minded people established mutualbuilding societies and a new industry was born.
Borrowers and savers will have significantly less choice if they want to do business with a mutualbuilding society.
In 1979, there were 14 mutualbuilding societies in Ireland.
Unlike what happened with mutualbuilding societies, the State intends selling off this bank with no recompense for its long-term customers.
They also propose maximum interest rates for credit cards and store cards and to turn Northern Rock into a mutualbuilding society.
Things have gone sour for one of the last mutualbuilding societies, which faces a landmark agm next week, writes Paul Cullen.
First Active shareholders must be wondering whether they would have been better off if their publicly-quoted bank had remained a mutualbuilding society.
The mutualbuilding society, which is owned by its 400,000 members, paid DIRT arrears of £1.29 million and interest and penalties of £1.51 million.
Many thanks to our partner Victoria MutualBuilding Society and to Appliance Traders Limited and Business Access TV.