An inclination to criticize opposing opinions or shocking behavior.
1After all, it's the narrow-mindedness that causes all the trouble these days.
2But it was only his conscientious narrow-mindedness which made him say it.
3That just shows your hideous blackness of soul-yourdense stupidity-yourbrutal narrow-mindedness.
4He had, therefore, a certain popularity, notwithstanding his narrow-mindedness, obstinacy, and arrogance.
5We fought the narrow-mindedness of the National Front by widening our cultural horizons.
6A further bad habit, harmful to our economic development, is narrow-mindedness.
7Against these attributes their pig-headedness, narrow-mindedness, laziness, and slovenliness had to be admitted.
8Now, what remains of this statement after subtracting prejudices and narrow-mindedness?
9Tired of odious spying; tired of your unwholesome curiosity; tired of your useless narrow-mindedness.
10Censures the conceited pride and narrow-mindedness of rakes and libertines.
11There is nothing, I conceive, of narrow-mindedness in this patriotism.
12I like to think of making as toxic to narrow-mindedness.
13Everywhere they remark on other people's ignorance and narrow-mindedness.
14When she was left alone Madame Darbois reflected sadly upon the narrow-mindedness of her fellow creatures.
15They are laughing at hypocrisy, human frailty, narrow-mindedness.
16But he warned that such patriotism should be "without narrow-mindedness".