Group within a community which has different national or cultural traditions from the main population.
1The biggest national minority is Polish, with over 122,000 Poles living now in Ireland.
2The C of E's new national minority ethnic officer will help dioceses to increase the number of BAME candidates for ordination.
3Roth makes the point as relevant now as it was then, "Today the Jews constitute a ' national minority' in many countries."
4The Reformed Church of Rumania is the Church of the Hungarian national minority; it has 693,511 baptized members.
5Constituent nations have a right to self-determination, national minorities do not.
6Join the National Minority Supplier Development Council and the Women's Business Enterprise National Council.
7This criterion is applied to all national minorities worldwide.
8The nationalist school depended on denial and repression of the existence of heterogeneity and of national minorities.
9There is no threshold for national minorities.
10July is National Minority Mental Health Month.
11We're no more than two days into National Minority Health Month and already a grim report has surfaced.
12National minorities shall enjoy equal rights.
13July brings Black mental health awareness to the nation's forefront as we observe National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
14The month of July is the perfect opportunity to start the discussion with observance of National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month.
15(4) The free development of national minorities and ethnographic groups inhabiting the territory of Russia.
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Translations for national minority