1Found quantities of natron on the marshy ground bordering the river.
2Camels and men drank it greedily, though it was tainted by the all-pervading natron.
3This fellow has been pickled in natron, and looked after in the most approved style.
4The natron is also a source of profitable exportation.
5Each is a mummified soul embalmed in cere-cloth and natron of leather and printer's ink.
6Here, there is no natron, nor bands, nor spices.
7The natron or soda, which is procured in the neighbourhood, is found alone in the ground.
8For weeks it was soaked in a solution of natron and then it was filled with pitch.
9We also have control of the mines, the quarries, the saltworks, and the natron pits, I assured him.
10Soap, natron the ancient substitute for.
11Forty for the natron-drying, and then there is the wrapping, and -butnow we have a quicker service.
12In Mexico there are several natron lakes.]
13I think for raw skin like that, a compound of roasted natron, vinegar, honey, and bile...
14Much of this is converted into natron by the organic matter in the soil, and forms a white crust on the earth.
15Evidently it had not passed the allotted seventy days in natron, and therefore the expression and likeness were better preserved than is usual.
16The natron was used as before; and after the customary days were passed, the injected fluid was withdrawn, and with it came the entrails.