Ainda não temos significados para "natural sequel".
1This existence is the natural sequel of the existence of former human beings.
2High and low gearing are the natural sequel to high and low wheels.
3Thus (1) his second narrative is the natural sequel to his first.
4The natural sequel to this thought was-whowere they?
5The rest was but the natural sequel.
6And yet, in a moment, I remembered certain established facts, of which these things were but the natural sequel.
7Was this, indeed, the second volume beginning-thenatural sequel to those old mysterious histories of shrinking, disillusion, and repulse?
8They will form a natural sequel and conclusion of the interview which we had after the explosion on the Boulevard Suchet.
9The story of his escape supplies a natural sequel to the adventure, and as such it is now added to the volume.
10She had been forced into prudence in her youth, she learned romance as she grew older: the natural sequel of an unnatural beginning.
11His despatch to the Duke of Norfolk on this occasion was the natural sequel of what he had written a few weeks previously.
12If beauty is to be added unto truth and goodness, it must come as the natural sequel to a single-minded fidelity to these motives.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Natural sequel ao longo do tempo
Natural sequel nas variantes da língua