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Significados de nearest airlock em inglês
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Uso de nearest airlock em inglês
Joe went to the nearestairlock and entered the great steel hull.
Hannah again surveyed the crowds now moving round towards them, then focused on those arriving through the nearestairlock.
He then turned and headed towards the nearestairlock column, to one side of which already squatted a spidergun.
Head for the nearestairlock.
He strode towards the nearestairlock, heaved open the door, pushed himself down inside, and waited until his sister crammed in beside him.
Saul snorted in apparent annoyance and headed for the nearestairlock, the multi-armed welding robot that had been about to use it scuttling aside.
She unstrapped and propelled herself over to the door leading into the nearestairlock tube, checked the ready light, opened the door and passed through.
"Then the President can step out the nearestairlock without a suit."
"He came from a Cylon ship, and I'm thinking he needs an introduction to the nearestairlock."