Ainda não temos significados para "nearest railway".
1The nearest railway station was at Silver Run, two miles away.
2Ritzen was the nearest railway station to the farm on which Guy worked.
3Tourdestelle enjoyed the aristocratic privilege of being twelve miles from the nearest railway station.
4The grower is paid on delivery at the mill or the nearest railway station.
5At my own request I was conducted at once to the nearest railway station.
6He turned instinctively toward Grove Park, remembering that the nearest railway station was there.
7At first light the following morning, Mr. Deacon accompanied George to the nearest railway station.
8Dunailin is a small town in Western Connaught, seven miles from the nearest railway station.
9The nearest railway station is that of Chillon, 3 m. S. on the Madrid-Badajoz-Lisbon line.
10The nearest railway station is Alnmouth, which is about 9 miles away down the coast.
11This is a small, ancient, walled garrison town, the nearest railway station being at Clonmel.
12The nearest railway station was five miles away.
13The number 37 serves Kynance and Lizard village and the nearest railway stations are Penzance and Redruth.
14At that rate she might have reached the nearest railway station in an hour and a half.
15The nearest railway station is at Lourdes.
16Big farms surrounded it, the nearest railway line was three miles off, and the nearest station almost seven.
Esta colocação é formada por:
Nearest railway ao longo do tempo
Nearest railway nas variantes da língua