Necessary for relief or supply.
1French President Emmanuel Macron said Britain's Brexit vote showed Europe needed reform.
2Essential staff needed to continue critical work will remain, the statement read.
3Essential staff needed to continue critical work will remain, the advisory said.
4He said a common sense approach to the Covid-19 situation was needed.
5Outside help might not be needed, however, two Bangladesh government officials said.
6Mr Robinson said children needed active support to deal with their problems.
7The government said the land was needed for public interest development projects.
8However, Davidson said there were still systemic problems police needed to address.
9Ardern said people also needed to start working from home if possible.
10Extra government funding was needed to resolve the problem, Mr Brown said.
11But of course we needed money to support the family, he said.
12Future research is needed to better understand the reasons behind these differences.
13She said that was the core problem the Government needed to address.
14Officials said they needed to focus on a possible early general election.
15Cost-effective interventions for weight control among the general population are therefore needed.
16Notley also said Canada needed a national approach to address environmental issues.
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Estados Unidos da América