We have no meanings for "neglect the task" in our records yet.
1 As the millions poured in, Capone did not neglect the task of keeping the upperworld powers in check.
2 I do assure thee, my lord, that it was no part of my intention to neglect the task entrusted me.
3 She was loyal enough but not ardent, and without ever quite intending to, she began to neglect the task as heat sucked at her strength.
4 She was sitting doleful by a window, neglecting the task assigned her, when Milly came in.
5 De Gordan had been occupied in strengthening the work, but since his death the nephew had entirely neglected the task .
6 'Ssh, ssh now, girls, the wax is hardening-this is not the moment to neglect the task completely!' I cry.
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