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Meanings of negotiate on behalf in inglês
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Usage of negotiate on behalf in inglês
It also wants the right to negotiateonbehalf of other employees including train stewards.
I can't negotiateonbehalf of the SFPD.
Tribal leaders have sought to negotiateonbehalf of the government with the group holding the ports.
GDL said it had to negotiateonbehalf of all its members, whether drivers, stewards or trainers.
They will negotiateonbehalf of other ResCap unsecured creditors, and can examine a debtor's conduct and operations.
If I mean to help Helios, I doubt very much he wants me to negotiateonbehalf of the Romans.
The CEOs plan to make clear they cannot negotiateonbehalf of the EU, people close to the matter said last week.
The CEOs would make clear they could not negotiateonbehalf of the EU, people close to the matter said earlier this week.
Lawyer Thomas Cullen, who represents the city, pushed Robins over whether he even had authority to negotiateonbehalf of the pension funds.
We will work with Gibraltar and Spain on the future relationship, and we will negotiateonbehalf of the whole UK family, she said.
The corollary is the establishment of a dangerous precedent, namely that no union can negotiateonbehalf of its members outside a partnership agreement.
An earlier plan for five senior Democrats to negotiateonbehalf of the Assembly met a lukewarm response from the governor and other Democrats.
Following the separate deal done by the BRC, RQ continued to negotiateonbehalf of other thoroughbred clubs and the greyhound and harness codes.
Thymaya Payne, director of the award-winning documentary Stolen Seas, says Ali has always insisted he was compelled to negotiateonbehalf of the pirates.
The question is made more complicated by the fact that it is unclear who has the legal authority to negotiateonbehalf of the retirees.
The union argues that state-owned Deutsche Bahn has provoked the crisis by denying it the right to negotiateonbehalf of 17,000 train stewards.