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Significados de negotiated deal em inglês
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Uso de negotiated deal em inglês
May said the results showed the importance of a negotiateddeal.
The company said it remains committed to enter into a negotiateddeal with Casey's.
Sapin welcomed the Tsipras government's commitment to a negotiateddeal with its EU partners.
Aflac also reduced its risky European holdings through a privately negotiateddeal with another European issuer.
Those who voted to leave in 2016 were promised a negotiateddeal by the Vote Leave campaign.
They opted out of the negotiateddeal so they could continue to press their specific case in court.
A Parliament that rejected three times the painstakingly negotiateddeal with the EU by the last prime minister.
While Hamas promotes armed resistance against the Jewish state, Fatah says it wants a negotiateddeal with Israel.
Roche said earlier this month it remained committed to its offer and aimed to reach a negotiateddeal.
The list included moderate Hutu politicians who wanted a negotiateddeal with Tutsi rebels, and many prominent Tutsis.
NATO members France and Italy have spoken of the pressing need for a negotiateddeal to end the Libyan conflict.
Burkina Faso is calling for groups that come to a negotiateddeal to be spared from the planned African offensive.
The options, Steven Ballmer said in a meeting with employees, were completing a negotiateddeal, pursuing a hostile takeover or walking away.
But she told him the negotiateddeal included access with no tariffs and it "might help if he actually read it".
An Asia-based investment banker with direct knowledge of the matter said China wanted to avoid a public takeover battle and would prefer a negotiateddeal.
Last week, Monsanto said it was far from going hostile for Syngenta, saying the U.S. firm was focused on trying to secure a negotiateddeal.