The neutrally determined gender of a kind of word as used by some languages.
1The neuter gender business had got a pretty damaging side-hit.
2The fisherman kissed the ground and answered, 'It is of the neuter gender, neither male nor female.'
3One is the male transformed into neuter gender; and the other is rampant with the fierceness of his sex.
4On which account nouns of the neuter gender and many masculine and feminine ones have these three cases alike.
5The neuter gender is absent.
6And I suppose the glad-to-see him coming up the street was of the neuter gender, but it was very interesting.
7As in the old language there was no neuter gender, the gods must always appear either as female or male.
8Be patient, milady, the physician at the bed of his patient is of the neuter gender-justas the angels are.
9For the word "bread" in the original Greek is of the masculine, and the word "this" is of the neuter gender.
10"Because 'it' is neuter gender."