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Significados de new clique em inglês
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Uso de new clique em inglês
Almost every month I would join a newclique.
Was a newclique being formed?
But she'd been busy cultivating her newclique, which was as delicate an art as hand-beading a couture gown.
There was no way she could remain friends with Naomi and Riley-she'dhave to ditch them and form a newclique.
The newclique ruling Great Nest treads a delicate line between defiance and acquiescence; Viola knows the game and plays along.
The San Francisco-based upstart, which launched exclusively as an iPhone app back in October 2010, has created a newclique of photo enthusiasts.
At first this newclique had success, but later one of its generals, Liu Lao-chih, went over to the Hsieh clique, and its power declined.
Newcliques formed before long and were exterminated in turn.
The violence that Chicago faces is undoubtedly tied to gangs and newcliques, which are emerging each day.
As the unrest dies down and new governments become entrenched, it is possible they will form fresh patronage networks and newcliques, stifling economies again.