The compass point that is midway between north and northeast.
1G. Maspero, Histoire Ancie-nne des Peuples de l'Orient Classique, Paris, 1895.
2At length we came to a stately stream that flowed in a NNE.
3The oral bioavailability of NNE was studied in rats and pigs.
4The length of the ground is about 4 miles NNE.
5A narrow rocky ridge 2 miles long, in a NNE.
6Lies offshore NNE about 7 miles from West Sandy Cove.
7The inner one lies 16½ miles S. by E. of Monhegan Island, extending in a NNE.
8Altogether, NNE is a promising carrier for the oral delivery of drugs with significant first-pass metabolism.
9It is about 5 miles long, NNE.
10The RAL-NNE was mainly absorbed in the jejunum and had high permeability at the intestine of rats.
11In the spring (in April and May), the haddock come in on Scantum, 10 miles NNE.
12These are 3 miles long NNE.
13He cut the engine and unplugged the monitor, which read NNE 017 0.01.
15I adopted every device I could think of to make my dwelling home-like, and I even journeyed many miles in a NNE.
16At the same time set the extremity of Hainan which bore NW by N to N. Past three Chinese vessels steering NNE.