Dreamhost is not replacing Procmail with Maildrop or Sieve or another non-proprietary tool.
Prior experience told him that Forecast Analytics was usually about a day ahead of the mainline, non-proprietary feeds.
France and Germany want the European Commission to soften the separation rules for non-proprietary trading to avoid crimping the flow of credit.
What is not reassuring is the prospect of the world being divided into proprietary and non-proprietary telephone systems that can't talk to each other.
Uso de nonproprietary em inglês
Thanks to easy, tool-free access to the One's innards and Gateway's use of nonproprietary components, upgrading is a cinch.
Its market model will employ a maker-taker fee schedule and a modified price-time matching algorithm for nonproprietary option classes, CBOE said in a statement.
The service may also be attractive to authors outside India who are looking for a nonproprietary format in which to publish their books, Mehta said.
You may convert to and distribute this work in any binary, compressed, marked up, nonproprietary or proprietary form, including any word processing or hypertext form.