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Significados de northern forces em inglês
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Uso de northern forces em inglês
The civil war, which ended in 2005, left painful scars in the south, where some ethnic groups sided with northernforces.
Amum accused northernforces of starting the recent clashes to clear the area's population and claim the land as their own.
The king's army was encamped on the eastern side of the town, and the northernforces took post a short distance away.
Owen Roe O'Neill was at the same time confirmed in the command of the northernforces, and Colonel Preston in that of the southern.
A few Virginians and Marylanders, come to cooperate with the northernforces, were present, and they, like the New Englanders, were of pure British blood.
This success left the Northernforces in possession of that region.
The Northernforces hold the railways leading out of Kentucky and he's probably in Washington now.
There was nothing to tell of war save the Northernforces just beneath them, and he would not look down.
The Northernforces, although they had fought bravely, retreated, and the great movement that was going on remained hidden from them.
Harry saw that the position was strong, and he noted with amazement that the Northernforces did not seem to outnumber Jackson's.
It was fought near a little place called Mill Spring, and resulted in a complete victory for the Northernforces under General Thomas.
Then take the State of New Orleans, which, as you know, has been now for many months in the possession of the Northernforces.
And so all through September and October the great armies on the Potomac rested comparatively in quiet, the Northernforces drawing to themselves immense levies.
There were to the south and south-west of Washington, besides the troops under McDowell's command, two Northernforces respectively commanded by Generals Banks and Frémont.