Who is not of noble rank; pertaining to the great masses.
1No, I am not noble; but I should like to be so.
2The Royal Family had persons to attend them who were not noble.
3It is not noble, it is wicked to cast away your life.
4He is of course not noble yet, but his family is excellent.
5It was not heroic, it was not noble; but it was extremely human.
6That is not noble, but that is the real depth of the male.
7They are not noble, merely traitors who disregard all moral laws.
8His conduct is not noble or heroic, but natural and right.
9The jongleur was not noble by birth, but was ennobled by his bravery.
10The features were small and refined, not noble, but unmistakably aristocratic.
11I am not noble, neither do I have a repertoire of circus tricks.
12I'm not noble; so my honourable ancestors will not turn over in their graves.
13This may sound plausible, if not noble, but does the end justify the means?
14But he is not noble; that is to say, his soul is not noble.
15As the Bishop told it to me, there was naught that was not noble.
16It was not noble, but, gods help me, that was what went through my mind.