The CFTC also is considering whether to use a 50 percent notionalamount calculation.
The full Luxembourg corporate tax rate should still apply, but only on a notionalamount of profit.
The largest five U.S. banks hold 97 percent of the total notionalamount of derivatives, it said.
Each contract is a bet on the interest paid on a fixed notionalamount of $1 million.
For other types of derivatives, the taxable base could be a term-adjusted or non-term-adjusted notionalamount, depending on whether the instrument has a maturity date.
In the same period, the notionalamount of derivatives contracts which were unwound was 53.561 billion euros, of which 6.533 billion related to structured derivatives.
Based on average notionalamounts outstanding, those entities would be required to post IM from 2020, according to the globally agreed implementation timeline.